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Do What You Love vs Love What You Do#

Assalam and hi all!

So I was listening to the IKIM radio while cleaning my house (FYI,  I went back to my hometown this week & d house is so messy 😂).

So just wan to share a bit bout the session - It's about an academicians Dr. Midhat Nabil Ahmad Salimi, a boy who not scoring well in UPSR, PMR & SPM but have a very deep interest in science stream. Although d result is not good, he knew what he truly like and so he stick to it. Faced with numerous failure, the worst when he became demotivated and fail the foundation level. Result was sent straightly to his parents and yes, they were really disappointed.
This is the turn point for him.

He felt disappointed with himself too. A miracle happened when the university suddenly call him back, offering him a chance to study again and he promise himself to change - for the parent, family and for himself. He want to make them proud. He change his study method, from passive student to active one, keep asking questions to the lecturer and voice out the part that he's weak at.

Yes, he's succeed. And currently lecturing at UniMap (Universiti Malaysia Perlis) with title of Professor Madya.

Why I share this?

Cos I knew how it feels like to face failure...and I wish I'm brave enough to stand with my principle, to choose what I like, what I truly passionate about rather than following what others told me to do.

FYI, I'm a science stream student, not the brilliant one but yes, I really love science subject especially biology and chemistry (FYI, I did not score for biology only in SPM, the rest is..u guess it on ur own). But due to some family circumstances, yes, due to family business I ended up taking accounting course.

Seriously, sometimes i argue is the choice of changing from science to accounting in matriculation - the right choice for me?

But due to that time, my big  family financial situation is not that good, it became my source of motivation to do well no matter how hard it is. From someone who zero in accounting, don't know anything about Debit Credit, at the end of matriculation manage to finish with high pointer (well almost all of my matriculation mate score well that time 😊 so its nothing to brag about).
But when I jump into university life..the course getting harder and at some point I lost motivation and just neglect it..Instead of blaming myself, I tried to shift the blame to those who forcing me to take the course..

I blame them for changing my life direction, yes, this is human..when they face hard situation, they try to shift the blame..

But I still manage to's just my pointer is not pretty..and I loose the chance of getting internship or working with Big 4 audit firm..

I move on to the working phase. I went into public practice sector, doing audit accounting and tax. The more experience I get, makes me feel excited and challenging. So day by day, I start to love this path of mine. I'm no more blame others.

But if I am going to give advice to others, especially the younger generation- those just finish their SPM, PLEASE do what you love or LOVE WHAT YOU DO.
Yes, I admit it's much easier to say than doing. But if u do something u re not passionate about, the end result would be nothing. If u study, maybe u won't study well. If u working, maybe u tend to just following what others do instead of knowing why its being done that way.

Of course on the journey there will be lots of obstacles, especially when u r working, there're  so many things - crazy mad senior, problems with colleague, teamwork issue, misunderstanding, unfairness, biased, taking advantage, ethical issues and so on; it's hard to deal with at first but believe me it's worth to face all of it - it makes u more matured.

I'm yet to succeed. My journey is slower than others. But I make sure I'm progressing from time to time. Everyone have their own journey, own path, own story. I just hope people will understand my situation. But if they don't,  it's beyond my power and I'll just be me and keep moving.

A very long 'bebelan' from a 27th years old girl who looks so much younger than her age due to her small body,

Izzah Nur Fatimah


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