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Detective Dee and the Mystery of The Phantom Flame

Detective Dee, the clone of western Sherlock-Holmes.

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone(i guess so). 
I'm staying all night spending my time watching a few movies, starting from a modern-fairytale-hindustan film to thriller-but-comedy film and lastly turns into this historical movie, i did really 'make' up my night. I really enjoy watching all the movies, i manage to laugh like there's no more time to laugh(lol), i was also able to fit up the sad mood, and the most obvious, i was very good in doing some facial expressions as the movies become so much of excitement.

This story, Detective Dee and the Mystery of The Phantom Flame, was released at 29 September 2010; fall within epic mystery film-categories and  it narrates mainly on 'Dee Ren Jie' character, one of the most celebrated officials of the Tang Dynasty.  Directed by Tsui Hark, a new wave film director, and starring by a line of glamorous and professional actors such as Andy Lau, Carina Lau, Li Bingbing, Tony Leung Ka-fai and Deng Chao, does make the film more value added and more real-to-see.

The film was set in the 7th century, under the Tang Dynasty-ruled . Its started with a sudden dead of Master Jia, the person who responsible for the construction of Buddha monument which is sixty-six yard high. His body burnt down into ashes once he get to the sunlight. It is said that his death was due to the divine will, as he had removed some amulets before and did not placed it back. The supervisor at the construction sites, had  tried to remind Master Jia about the bad lucks of those amulets and that everyone were stop working as they became so scared by the bad rumors, despite, Master Jia just ask the supervisor to put those amulets back to the original origin.

Same things happened on another officials, Master Xue, one of the Supreme Court members. Things becomes bigger and the bad rumours spreads everywhere,especially inside the construction side; until the mystery death get a name, "The Phantome Flame Case". The eve of the coronation  was just around the corner and these things did make the Empress worried.

All of sudden, the Imperial Chaplain's Magic Deer came to the palace and advising the empress to get the help of Detective Dee, who was imprisoned for 8 years already after he went against the Empress a few years before.Once he released, Detective Dee went to the construction side and met his old fellow, Shatuo the supervisor. They chit-chatting about the sudden-self-burnt-to-dead death and the supervisor recommend about 'Fire Turtles' which had once use by Imperial Physician(tabib) of  the late emperor to treat his illness, and he can be reached at the Phantom Bazaar-a very horrow places,lived by creepy-human.

Dee trust his words and bring Donglai,another official in Supreme Court together with Shangquan Jing Er, the empress trusted-person to search for Donkey Wang who was originally the imperial physician, at the Phantom Bazaar. After Wang was saved by Dee from being killed by chaplain's sudden attacked, he told Dee everything about the fire turtles which had no medical value and it contain lethal poison as they feed on phosphorus. So, he already expose them on the sunlight before he fled from palace, and he did keep the fire turtle at the place where the Infinity Monastery(sebuah biara) is now. As he is in a rushed of  fleeing himself, he just left those creatures under the sun and hope all of it were burnt out.

Came back from the phantom baazar, Dee suspect something from the 2 sudden death and this remind him on the inspection report of old Master Jia. On the way back, the Prince suddenly stop by and gave back Dee's old mace which was gave by the late emperor and it can detect the crack in a weapon;striking at the crack point and finally break it into pieces. That night, Donglai went to Master Jia's residence alone while dee went to Infinity Monastery. Donglai  found the report while Dee found the real Chaplain was actually Jing'Er who was just doing transfigure same as what had been done by DonkeyWang. Donglai were under attacked and Dee have a terrific fight with Jing'Er. While fighting, Jing'er swords breaks and nearly kill her but indeed, Dee saved her. Felt indebted, she cancel her intention instead she tried to save Dee.

Unfortunately, Jing'er struck by a trap. Using the left over strength, she brought Dee near to palace and once Dee woke up, Jing'er was dying. She told Dee all things she'd done for the Empress-killing so many people.

Dee proceed his job. He went straight to Donglai residence, opened up the door which had been set-up with a trick. Dee tried to untie the chain, Donglai told him something is wrong with the inspection diagram. Failed to  save Donglai, Dee found a button from Donglai ashes. Its matched with a pocket on Donglai's horse which contain the report.

Finally dee get what was it all about. It was the supervisor. He was the one who put the 'fire turtles' poison in water container at the construction side. Before the death of master Jia, he drank water serve by the construction workers. Once the poison ingested and expose to the sunlight, he get burnt-when he stand at the Buddha's eyes,facing the sunlight. In addition, Master Xue death was cause by the towel which had already split with the poison. The supervisor actually was mislanscaping the monument. He change the structure of Tubullar Pillar-where the amulets placed, put few empty holes on it so that he could channel lava from south east volcano to melt the Buddha's base, ended up with its fall during the coronation ceremony.

Using the chaos situation, the supervisor plan to lead 300,000 army to set-up a rebellion and take off the throne. Fortunately, detective Dee manage to failed his mission and he saved the emperor from being hit by the falling pieces of Buddha's monument. In front of the mace, Detective Dee delivered what he want to said. He knew that the Empress had done a lot of killing. Yet because the country needs a competent leader, the offense was forgiven. Thus, Dee passed the mace to the Empress and also ended up his task. Dee leave the palace life and lived at Phantom Bazaar.

Wauzes, i'm amazed with the plot, the graphics, and the acting. Its all seems very real! Thumbs up!
Erm, i think i should end my words here as it getting very late now. With that, bye! and...dont forget to share this post! Thanz guys & gals! (^_^)

Love regards,


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