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#Education background

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone!

Well, I got this one topic in mind, since long before - educational system.

I was born in a not rich family (ain't poor also). Okay to be true, my dad had a food shop. So, frankly said, that time we live quite luxury also - I mean we can eat whatever we want, since dad is the big boss.

This is why now I understand the term 'spoiled child'. Due to having 'boss' dad, I simply living - I don't really care bout family or the hardship. And I'm naughty you know. I grew up with an older brother and a younger brother. So this had affect my way of living too - I join their boys activities and yes, I'm a 'tomboy'.

So to cut short the story, at the end of standard 6, dad decided to follow his sister, living in Negeri Sembilan. This is the period where I start to change, start to learn the meaning of life, meaning of hardship - that I never felt before.


I learn so many hardship and only God is the source of strength. Yes, at first I rebel due to the hot blood nature.

But as time passed, I start to accept things. I learn to be patient and I admit, this turning point of my life made me closer to Allah. Every time bad thing happen or things doesn't go as planned, He's the only one who I can relied upon, the only place that I can cried out to hear all my misery/problems. Alhamdulillah.

Due to the patience, trust to Allah's word and parent's prayer, Alhamdulillah I get a good PMR result and was accepted to further study in boarding school.

As a girl who used to live with family, used to be so naughty (i.e: I never wear hijab/headscarf during primary school - to be honest, I wear it when moved to Negeri Sembilan), now need to live with stranger - its quite challenging.

Being away from family made me much closer to Allah. Why? I can choose to enjoy my life there, I mean, I don't need to study hard - instead, just play around with friend. But I don't do that. Boarding school teach me so many thing. Everyone there are brilliant student. The environment is highly competitive. School is not only on weekdays daytime, but until almost midnight, and weekend. In short, there's shouldn't be a space for us to waste. All of our time is utilize for study. But this doesn't means we're not active. Co-curricular still works as usual and all of us are compulsory to actively join. Despite busy with study, we still workout/jogging around and do some sports. Honestly speaking, my life in boarding school is really discipline. We must be punctual, yes we wake up everyday as early as 5.30am and must leave the dormitory by 6.30am to have our breakfast and by 7.00am must reach class already.

Its really a tiring 2 years in boarding school but I never regret being there cos it taught me a lot of things, especially on discipline and Islam. I gain a lot of Islamic knowledge and be a more motivated student.

Of course nothing run smoothly. I mean face other obstacles especially on studies. To be true, the syllabus in boarding school is same, but we learn it in a speedy rate. We finish all syllabus very early  which made me restless and 'breathless'. Many things that I can't grab especially add math. When exam came, I can't perform and be among the lowest rank. This really demotivate me. I thought of quitting.

But at the end of Form 4's school holiday, made me think of so many thing and I decide to not give up. I gather up all my strength. Build my own life schedule and really stick to it. That time, even showering also count -  I make sure to take less than 5 minute per shower. Whenever I can run, I run so that I won't waste time and at the same time, be fit. Everyday, I ensure I'll perform night prayer and read the Quran whenever I can. I set my goal for straight A's and I want to be a future doctor, and improve my family financial condition. The dream help me live up my day.

But things doesn't goes as planned.

The result day came. I didn't get straight A's and the only B is Biology. I loose chance to study medic, all application for A level and Foundation rejected. Only manage to go for matriculation, doing physics science. Due to some family business situation, I change to accounting course at last.

Yes, its not as hard as science. I can score well in matric even though without basic.

But, I face difficulties in Uni time. I start loosing motivation. I blame people for making  me choose accountancy, instead of something that I want to learn - science stream. So I start to play-play in my studies and this is why I don't perform in Uni.

But works did change my view on accounting. I start to feel challenging when doing audit and start to love accounting works.

So at last, I accept this fate. I believe must have something for me, that beyond my imagination/expectation.

Its just that, sometime I find it hard to be a well-discipline person or strict person. Cos people like me wish everything can be finish fast, love punctuality (but actually I'm struggling also :P). And people like me love interact with others but still learning a good communication skills.

I believe life itself is an educational system that won't ever end. Life is a reality school. We experience something, learn from it and keep improving. :)


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