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Possessed by love - A real story..

" When the man of her dreams descended into madness ,
she became his  VICTIM. "

She is Kathryn Keats who was formerly known as Ellen Munger. She is the 'star' of the family as she has a good voice. However, while she was pursue her golden age something unpredictable happen.

His boyfriend,Ford begin to act strangely. One night, Ford said that he hear someone whispering at him and that night, Munger wat hit and raped several times.

The next morning, Ford came to her and begged for forgiveness. He also promised he won't do this anymore. Because of the power of love, Munger accept him again.

Things just lasted for few weeks. At the third weeks, Ford claiming again he was hearing a man  whispered and saying that she had another boyfriend and want to left him.

Starting from that second, Munger life become chaos. Ford turn insane several times. Everytime it happen, he will rape and hit her.

Munger tried her best to help Ford. Sometimes having a walk and talk success. But not for all the time.

A few period passed. And Ford become much insane. He said Zen's God told him to exorcise the woman spirit in Munger's body. In order of that, he bound her hands and feets with leather belts and beat her when Munger struggled.

One day, Munger's sister came to her house and she noticed something was not right. So, she call the police. Ford was arrested,but for a short period only. Whereas, Munger sent to the hospital and recovered by time.

Not long after that, Ford was set  free. And he keep on disturb Munger's life. He said that the Zen's God ask him to kill Munger, hung her entrails on tree and then kill himself. One night, he went to Munger's house. wearing fully-white and a wig. Gratefully, the police could apprehended him successfully .

Munger's feel that there's no other way, except make herself 'dead' or non-exist. She change her name to Kathryn Keats and start a new life as a paralegal in a new place, Oakland.

Eventhough Ford was arrested, she still feels unsecured. Trauma. Phobia. Her life was surrounded  by fear.
Till one day, he had an overwhelming urge to reach out for news; saying that Ford had dead because of lung cancer.

On that moment, only God know her feeling, how grateful she is. She start touching her so-long-left-piano and composing new songs.

Now, she is enjoying her life to the fullest as she can with his life partnera and two sons .

* This is the real story happen in New York . Original sources from Reader's Digest Asia.

P/S : I'm enjoying myself reading RD and try using my own words to make this review. Hope u'all also enjoyd     
urself!! (^_^)


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