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Simple tips on time management

 Hi all, 

It's been so long since my last post - wowwwww, its now 2021 already!

So today, I was like looking for some tips on management ---- and guess what, all time hot topic found --- time management tip! lol

You know when you past through different phase of life, different phase of career, you will takes some times (or longer) to pass through the process. I mean, if its a new progress, of course you gotta experience it, then from time to time improve it.

I'm used to be someone who have daily routine schedules - where I even make my time schedule, from what time to what time I will be doing this, that and that. Exact time for exact activity of the day.

But there's no such things as PERFECT in this life, I means, with such a rigid behavior type of person, who determine exactly what are the things that you should or shouldn't do, it will limits what one can do.

Cos normally this type of people are reluctant to change - as they prefer to stick to their old habits and lifestyle.

In life, there are certain people that appear in your life process, and somehow, their words actually become your source of motivation.

For example, I used to have a senior of mine, who always give me life advise which I really appreciate it to this day. The one that I keep it deeply in my heart - YOU MUST ENCOUNTER YOUR FEAR, THEN ONLY YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD.

Which is so true. I used to be someone who, lacks of confident, when in fact I know the things, but due to self doubt, was influenced by other parties.

And just like other normal people, when we wanna try new things, we will have a paradigm - "Its not easy, I ain't gonna able to do it etc.."

These self doubting..negativity...are the one who kill one from moving forward.

There's another senior of mine, who always advice to go for quality, no matter, how low the fee is, just go for quality, cos after all, if you do quality work, the bosses are the one who happy, cos they don't even expect you going to do, say 90%, maybe they only target your performance, 75%, but you give back 110%, its leaves a good impression to them. And whenever there's new challenging task, you will be the one who comes to their mind first.

And there's another words, from my director that actually made me move forward - "If you get opportunity for managerial level, just take the what it takes, if you can't make it least, you pass the process, and you can use the experience to find better job outside"

So cut short, I was watching below youtube video:

Which roughly talk on below:

00:41 - Owning your Time

You must take own of your time, take control of it. Allocate your life to do things that you like, and beneficial. Example: go to Gym, try new hobby.

01:13 - The Pareto Principle

80% of result come from 20% of your input. Which is so true. Which is, you need to master the fundamentals, then it will be easier to master the rest.

03:16 - Parkinson’s Law

Work expands to fill the time that we fill for it. Try to set lesser time to fulfill a task.

04:00 - The 2-Minute Rule

Those task that take less than 2 minutes, do it right away, so you do not need to headache to recall it later.

04:50 - Batching

Try to sort out similar task and do it together.

05:54 - My rule for watching TV

Not to watch TV on my own, only watch it with family or others.

By not wataching Netflix or Korean drama, you will have a lot more time to do other things.

07:45 - Alfred

Its a productivity apps for Mac which you can find Wox for those using Windows. It allow once to directly type whatever you need, instead of manually go to each apps which takes several seconds to complete.

09:18 - Forest

Allocating work 25minutes, and rest 5minutes. Good to use when need to focus on something.

10:22 - 10 Fast

Train you to type faster & save a lot of time when working.

Thats's for today, hope you all get something from this!


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