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#BookCraving# Essential Time Management, Brett Hilder

Hi all!

Its been so long I'm not writing rite?

So since we're now under partial lockdown @ Movement Control Order (MCO), I try to pick up some books and have a look on it.

This time, its a book regarding time management - all time favorite topic which many people facing the same problem - even me myself too!

Basically, the topic inside is something that many of us already know, already applied, but maybe without full discipline enforced, for some reason, it's not implemented strictly.

So maybe we could have a throw back on what we had done before, and what we could improve in the future, after reading this post.

I didn't manage to write a lot, cos what I saw from the book - most of it I already do in my daily life, its just that sometime its on & off implemented. So this book's content didn't really catch my eye so much.

I focus on few first chapter, and ended up skipping @ looking for important points only cos the rest are just 'complementing' story telling part.

So here it go the content that i feel important:


  • Improving personal planning strategies
  • Goal setting
  • Strategic & tactical planning
  • Reducing procrastination
  • Managing interruptions
  • Well-organised physical work environment
  • Knowing when to say no
Balance & Productivity
  • Different people, different needs & productivity.
  • Some work 7 days a week to prevent burnout/laziness.

Getting it straight
  • First things First - i.e. Surgeon dilemma: Paying bills & house cleaning vs cary out surgery
    • Effective Prioritising based on time used activities
    • Via Productivity Quadrant
      1. Important & Urgent - core xtvt, business depend on this, deadline attached, requested by higher management/big client
      2. Important, <Urgent - no deadline, but can help business grow, long term investment. i.e. get software training to boost productivity, training other staff on task normal we perform - long term wise, the staff's career enhancement
      3. Urgent, <Important - got deadline, but not vital. i.e. promotional products with limited period - its urgent to buy now, but its not essential to you
      4. Wasted time - activity that you do, but should have been replaced to do other much important task i.e. chit-chatting, gossiping, watching TV 
    • Transfer the above priority list into diary & set time frame for each one of it, including breaks intended to take.
    • Example: "Top 40 of What I Want from My Career"
    • For new task, put it under "GENERAL TO-DO LIST" & set when to deal on it
    • Do this whenever you remember, i.e. at the end of the day, as tomorrow planning

Game Plan

  • Strategic (5 years planning) vs Tactical Planning (daily or weekly planning)
  • Start of your plan from the point of success and work backwards i.e. gain ACCA membership in 5 years time, achieve by attending after-work classes

Personal Energy Curve
  • There're some prime time that we are fully energetic/optimize during that period - look for it, and try to do 


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