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Assalam & Hi everyone!

Well, many things happen all these years.

Its been 14 years since our family moved from Johor to Negeri Sembilan and as time flies, many phase of life passed. New life & death came in turns.

My Grandpa (from dad's side) passed away when I was 7th years old, my youngest bro born on 27th July 2003, then my Grandma (from mom's side) passed away on 30th September 2003. Due to a series of life events, my mom experiencing some heavy-stress which lead her to depression, she start talking to herself, start hallucinating and so on. Not having a strong support and not having anyone to really voice out her worries, her sadness had all lead her to this.

In December 2003, our whole family moves to Bahau, Negeri Sembilan. That year is my UPSR year and the next January 2004 I get into Form 1 in SMK Datuk Mansor Bahau.

I learn many things bout life, and I'm so grateful for all the ups and downs happening in my life.

The next big event happening in our life is when my eldest bro get into road accident while riding his bike to work on 21st April 2014, the time when I just started my internship since 10th February of the same year.

That year, my youngest bro will be sitting for UPSR.

For a month, mom, dad, me and my youngest bro moving to and fro the hospital. Life ain't easy. Many hearts hurts during the life journey. Mom who had recover from her sickness, but the aftermath effect of her sickness still there, where she got worry easily over things, and my bro accident gave her quite an impact, well to be honest, not only to her, but to the whole family.

Effect from the accident, my eldest bro's left hand dysfunction @ considered paralyzed due to some vital vein had disconnected and the doctors unable to re-joint it back.

Life is tough.

But, what matter is how we go through it, how we overcome it. Yes, at times we cried over things. But when I look back all the series of event that happened, I realized how strong we are that we able to faced it all.

Not trying to brag up.

But things happen really mature me up, mature us way better than before, much stronger, maybe not externally, but internally, we do become stronger.

And during the phase, I had been going through it with the family, to be close up, with the youngest bro.

I put up a lot of hope on him. Cos he's my last hope in the family due to the rest had grown up and beyond my control.

Worrying over his schooling, his future is part of my everyday concern for that I want the  best for him.

No sister who's did not loves her siblings. I do care for all the family and of course I hope we all can excel together.


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