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Assalam and Hi everyone!

A very good weekend to all.

I'm sure u guys are enjoying your weekend rite? So nice~ 😉

Well. It's really a hectic month for me. We need to stay back everyday and soon, we need to sacrifice our weekend as well.

So can say, it's almost a no life works.

I'm sure while working, we do face some problems or issues with our colleagues rite? I'm sure almost everyone had encounter this sort of thing at least once.

Well. All I can say is, this is life and initial essential steps to better knew each other. Sometimes, after crisis or conflict we get to know someone better. Seriously. It's indeed so true.

It's just that, the outcomes will depend on how the coworker react and how well we can handle it.

Example, everyone have something that they don't like, let's not prejudice, but I'm quite certain everyone got their own preferences and dislike and it's not like we want it to be that way, but rather some are born with it just like that. So yeah, we can try to moderate it or try to control a bit but maybe to a certain degree u really unable to accept it anymore.

So what will you do, if example your colleagues do something that you don't like and it has been for months or years maybe.

Should you just keep quiet? And let them do that kind of things? I mean, you will be uncomfortable in the past, now and probably in future too - cos they never knew you really don't like it - for them, it's just a joke.

Some alternatives I can think of:


Normally this is what we will usually do. For example you can directly talk to them "Hey, actually me and him do not have any relationship. Don't gossip us up ya~+with a friendly smile".

Or u can make it in a humorous way. "Hey my weekend is the time where I fully utilised to sleep. Etc etc. Dun kacau me lah~i want to sleep as much as I can~hahaha"

But if u are a nice person, and talk this way, there's a tendency your words will be taken lightly and they will continue doing what you don't like.


So if the 1st option did not goes well, you may consider to goes for the second option.

You may talk to them privately or personally message them. Tell them what you don't like firmly and hope they will respect and understand on your situation.

"Hey, I feel it's uncomfortable with you keep on disturbing my weekend by asking work related issues. I really hope u respect my personal life and understand on this."

Okay. I admit. This might looks like harsh a bit. Or its like, yeah u know, u already with them, but all of sudden you talk to them in a formal way. So it might be awkward and yes, there's a set back for this. The colleague might stop from doing what you dislike.

But remember, they might take it to the heart. So it's important how you do it, and always remember people need time to process and set out their thinking or feeling. If after some days, your relationship with colleagues turns sour, you must do something. They might be hurts with your words eventhough you feel it's nothing.

As such, I would suggest maybe, why don't you just apologize. Told them. It's not that you wanna hurt them. But it's more to like u just want them to draw some line when it comes to things that you dislike.

Trust me. It's hard to do this, and at times u might regret for doing this. But, believe me, it's worth. It's just u need to handle the aftermath effect. If u manage to do it correctly, they will respect ur preferences and ur relationship will become okay back.


Well, I can say this is the easiest and comfortable way.

I mean you don't need to go through all the headache for thinking the effects of if u tell them what you don't like. But..yes. the consequence - you will be uncomfortable for all the time they do what u don't like.

So choose whichever option that's suits you best. Just bear in mind, no pain no gain.

In order to achieve something, another things will be sacrifice. Everything comes at a price.

No matter what, please keep a positive mind. I know this is easy to say than do. But if you don't try to at least be positive, then it's harder for you to move forward.

Some people said, thinking positively it's actually lying to your own self.

But if we don't pretend like to be positive, then we will forever living in negative way of life.



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