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Inspiring Japanese Poem 😭😭

Assalam and Hi all,

So today would be the last day to perform solat taraweeh and soon enough, tomorrow Ramadhan will be leaving us and subsequently, Eidulfitri will come very soon.

Hence, I wish everyone Eid Mubarak, may this blissful Raya day celebrated modestly, and may it strengthen our bonding ties with the relatives, family and friend.

Just wanna share an inspiring poem which I saw in a video shared by Keiken Talk page.

You may find the link at:

Be not defeated by the rain,
Not losing to the rain,
Not losing to the wind,
Not losing to the snow nor to summer’s heat,
With a strong body,
Not fettered by desire,
By no means offending anyone,
Always quietly smiling,
Every day four bowl of brown rice,
Miso and some vegetables to eat,
In everything, count yourself last and put others before you,
Watching and listening, and understanding,
And never forgetting,
In the shade of woods of the pines of the fields,
Being in a little thatched hut
If there is a sick child to the east
Go and nursing over them
If there is a tired mother to the west,
Go and shouldering her sheaf of rice
If there’s someone near death to the south,
Go and say there’s no need to be afraid
If there’s a quarrel or a lawsuit to the north
Tell them to leave off with such waste
When there’s drought, shedding tears of sympathy
When the summer’s cold, wandering upset
Called as a nobody by everyone
Without being praised
Without being blamed
Such a person
I want to become

Its such an inspiring and touched poem, inspire people to be better, to prioritize others than own self, cos at last the good deeds will bring things ahead.

Always believe in Him. For  a good deed that we do for Allah, will be rewarded multiple times. :)


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