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Khilafah Conferences 2011

*p/s : I just write down those words from a video in youtube. I like it very much!!! (^_^)

The muslim world has been a powder keg and waiting to explode now..
And in 2011, it did…
The uprising in the north Afrika and the middle east ,by far the biggest new of 2011.  After decades of depression by the great force, the people of the Muslim world has broken the shakle of  feet and stood of  to the tune of depression. With thw willingness to pay the ultimate price. However ,understanding the reality and true value of this uprising require deeper announces and many question.
“Israel and America supported them: we hate them all.”
“We don’t like them. We hate you.”
On this uprising ,is it andevour of the people or some foreign power  are pulling the stringe for their benefit.
Clearly people are calling for the change., but what so the change. Are they calling for democracy and liberalism or calling for Islam and syaria’ah.
“The ummah desires..the Islamic caliphate..”
What does Islam said about such it allowedfor Muslim to revoleved the rules..?..
These are some key of questions that need to be answered.  For us to understand what does this uprising trulu means. Western shore and western government and the asian in the muslim world in where can hide to exploit the uprising and to maintain this obligation of the muslim world.
This include the Australian government, Kevin Rude; the forth minister has been busy travelling to the middle east and north Afrika, rethinking plan, revising the strategies and implementing the policy in the Muslim world.
But what is our agenda.  The agenda of the best nation of the mankind. And what is our agenda? To liberate all te muslim on western occupation and return it to the light and guidance. That is what in centuries in the past under Islam.
The way we observe them on the sideline is it quite struggle? Or we respon to the call of the line messanger in part taking the noibu to establish the deen of Allah.
It is the time to act. Not to observe. But to act, we must understand. So join us in this importance conference. As we answer this 3 key of question. And establish the truth,insyaAllah on this uprising.
Join us to find out reality of the Muslim world in the 20th century.  Join us to find out more about what western government are planning and doing to hijack the uprising and more boldly to stop the Islamic revival.
Join us to see how our father and grandfather resisted the western invasion in the 20th century.
On all level; intellectual, economic, clinical , military..
And join us to discover  wherethrough from here.
 Which is the road to establishment of  Islam and the Khilafah
How close or how far are we,
Is it the umma’ a’ibu?
What are the obstacle in our way andwhat role  in each of us play in achieving this goal.

Watch dis!! ;)


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